global icon

美 [ˈɡloʊbl ˈaɪkɑːn]英 [ˈɡləʊbl ˈaɪkɒn]
  • 网络全球偶像
global iconglobal icon
  1. She remains a global icon of peaceful resistance .


  2. jOBS is a 2013 biographical drama film based on the career of the late American businessman and global icon Steve Jobs .


  3. A true global icon , Beckham recently signed on as an ambassador for China 's professional soccer league and will be making his second trip of the year there soon .


  4. Her frequent joking in courtside interviews about life with Jiang Shan , 34 , her former coach and husband of eight years , helped her become a global icon .


  5. South Korean pop sensation Psy 's " Gangnam Style " won the award for Best Video and the late Whitney Houston was named Global Icon for her impact on pop music .


  6. David and Victoria married on July 4 1999 at Luttrellstown Castle , when he had just won the treble with Manchester United and Victoria was a global icon with The Spice Girls .


  7. Michael Jackson is a global pop icon .


  8. Princess Diana was a glamorous global fashion icon .


  9. She drags the global subprocess icon down onto the Develop Ideas Process activity that she just added , making the activity a global subprocess .
